With the 2024 general election only a short time away it won’t be long before our mats are covered in leaflets and pamphlets and we are having to open the door to those wanting to explain how they can make our tomorrows brighter and better.

But an election canvasser who puts their fingers through a letter box or makes their way up a garden path, will be running the risk of an unprovoked dog attack and of sustaining serious injury as a result.

Our expert lawyers are already acting for one election canvasser who posted a leaflet through a letter box and suddenly found their fingers clamped down on from a dog on the other side of the door. Being self employed they have suffered significant lost earnings as a result. They had to undergo surgery and have been left with a permanent disfigurement to their finger. There was no warning sign and no letter box cage on the other side of the post box, just a very aggressive terrier who didn’t care about their policies, just their fingers.

For those wishing to exercise their democratic right and continue to canvas and post leaflets there are devices such as the “posting peg” which allow you to push the leaflet through a door without putting your fingers in harm’s way, but as such attacks are often without warning it is difficult to see (without the help of responsible dog owners) if they can be prevented completely.

If you have been the victim of a dog attack you can contact us for free initial advice. Phone 0333 888 0435 or email us at info@dogbitesolicitors.co.uk

Dog bite warning to election canvassers
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