Dog bite victim’s compensation increased from £250 to £22,500

A three-year-old girl who was the victim of a vicious dog attack has had her dog bite compensation award increased from just £250 to over £22,500, after we made a claim in the County Court

Following the dog attack, the Magistrates Court made a ‘victim compensation order’ of a paltry £250 following the criminal prosecution of the dog’s owner.

Victim compensation orders in the criminal courts rarely provide an acceptable level of compensation. So, when the girl’s mother came to us at ‘dog bite solicitors’ for specialist advice, we recommended that a claim was made in the County Court for a proper amount of compensation.The girl’s mother was happy to follow our advice and we therefore proceeded with the dog bite compensation claim and agreed to work on a No Win, No Fee basis.

We submitted the claim to the dog owner’s insurers and after negotiations with them we were able to reach an out of court settlement, with the girl receiving a dog bite compensation award of over £22,500. This is very nearly100 times more than she was originally awarded!

Her mother was obviously delighted with the outcome. She hopes that the compensation (which will be invested by the court until her daughter is 18) will enable her to put down a deposit on a home of her own.

If you have been the victim of a dog attack and are not satisfied with your ‘victim compensation order’ or if you would like to make a dog bite compensation claim, then call us for a free case assessment and details of no win, no fee funding. We are specialists in dog bite compensation claims and have a first rate track record of not only succeeding where other lawyers have failed, but also of winning maximum levels of compensation.

Dog bite compensation increased from £250 to £22,500